First drafts for the final version of 'Rise of the hackers' book cover

Designing Mara, Noa, and Daniel

The journey to write ‘Rise of the Hackers‘ has been long and included many pit stops and parallel roads. Building a book is not just a matter of order, discipline, structure, and inspiration, but also some marketing vision. Why writing a book that nobody will ever read? That’d be sad. Thanks to my background as […]

Mara Turing arrives in the UK: British readers set to be thrilled by the book series that changed the minds of 40,000 kids

Javi Padilla is a teacher from Spain who decided to take a different approach to battling the harms that online technology can cause children when it is misused. Padilla feels that continually reinforcing negative messages is not necessarily always helpful when it comes to addressing this issue. He also felt that more girls needed inspiration […]

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