Join Mara Turing in this exciting, inspiring mystery book series loved by teens across the globe
A bestseller in Spain, Mara Turing tells the story of teenagers Mara, Noa and Daniel who journey on an adventure that is about to change their lives. The teens must uncover the truth behind Mara's uncle's disappearance and connections to the hacking world.

Youngsters will learn crucial elements of online safety
Mara, Noa, and Daniel will discover the truth. They're living in a World divided into two groups: those who create, handle, and crack online platforms and those who use them without too much thinking. In this adventure teens are invited to understand the technology behind the most popular online platforms and games. By doing so, they'll also have a better understanding of the World they're living in.
Mara Turing against Falko McKinnon: a duel between two bright minds
Mara Turing is an average girl that discovers tons of secrets behind the technology that surrounds us. She'll have to fight against evil cracker, Falko McKinnon, and his evil artificial intelligence (Hermes).
This book also features an adventure filled with references to programming languages, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and hacking.
Through real-life examples, in this Harry Potter style mystery book series, readers will get insights into how to detect when something goes wrong with their mobile phones, or someone is trying to crack their devices.
Program or Be Programmed
Kids can make smarter decisions when they know what happens when they share some content on the Internet
Critical Thinking
After reading this book, the reader will know exactly why is not a good idea to share every aspect of her private life
Hack or Be Hacked
Kids must lead the innovation in the new Internet era. A new age where private data is never again used to manipulate other people's brains
Knowledge is Safety
Mara, Noa, and Daniel are three average kids. At the beginning of this adventure, they're not worried about anything that happens inside their mobile phones. Knowledge helps them to view the World from a whole different point of view.